Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lately ...

Here, for your viewing pleasure is a mobile phone photo montage of a few of life's latest highlights:

 Welcome home Elder DeYoung! The "kids table" is now officially back in action!

3 of my favorite RMs!

The DeYoungs- more or less (missed you Lena!)

Business cards?! Yikes, feeling slightly overly adult right now!

It's a work in progress but we redecorated our room! I am loving shades of gray lately (not 50 shades just shades of the color in general).

 The YW leaders and girls threw a shower for my darling friend and fellow young women leader, Shauntae, who is expecting her first little girl early next month! So excited for her! I saw the onesie decorating idea on Pinterest and decided we had to try it at her shower. It was a hit! She went home with so many cute onsies for her baby girl! The ones above are just a few I decorated for her in my spare time, it's such a fun craft!

The shower turned out amazing, more photos to come hopefully, my friend and Shauntae's sister-in-law, Lisa, had her camera handy which I was thankful for because the only camera I ever have handy is my camera phone and even then I'm terrible at remembering to take photographs.

That's right, my 5 year relationship with SLCC has finally amount to something! Hallelujah! Brandon's SLCC degree is on it's way as well, and next week he begins his first semester at the U of U! So proud of him and thankful he's such a hard worker!