Monday, January 16, 2012

Phrases you will almost never hear....

I just barely learned how to post videos to my blog. Clearly, I am just a little giddy about it. This video is too funny and the guy in it completely reminds me of my cousin-in-law, Preston. Enjoy!

Friday, January 13, 2012

What's being quoted in the Free house lately?

When we're not quoting Kid History this is the YouTube video we're quoting this week...

Honestly this video terrifies me, as I have a wisdom tooth surgery coming my way in the near future. Brandon now fully plans on filming every glorious, post surgery moment. I doubt I'll be nearly as hilarious as this kid. But I am positive that I will share his same craving for a "Normal Diet Coke".

Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fun > Fear = Happy

Um, Is it bad that we are 5 days into January and I am just now deciding my resolutions?
Oh well.
Better now then in February... or July.

I mean, Brandon and I nearly forgot we were supposed to kiss at midnight on New's Year Eve. Big thanks to Ryan Seacrest, for reminding us just in time*.
Clearly, we have not really been up on our 2010 New Year's game.

Now, what should my 2012 resolutions be? There's the typical, unattainable list:

-Work out more (& by more I mean at all)
-Blog daily (will never happen)
-Eat better (I literally just had a Big Mac for dinner)
-Start on that long overdue 2nd chapter of my novel
-Start making better use of my mornings/waking up earlier

To tell you the truth though, I am going to keep eating big macs while intermittently blogging after waking up late. & I am going to focus on one thing...

Being happy (aka: more fun, less fear) and stoked for all of the awesomeness that is in store this year (i.e. Hunger Games movie, the official opening of the City Creek Center, Disneyland, a presidential election, another end of the world prediction coming to pass). I'm pretty excited for this year and I am going to try to enjoy every moment. Whether it be completing what feels like my millionth hour in my typical work day or riding the mickey shaped coaster in California. More fun, less fear.

Along with being happy I'm also going to attempt to floss and work out...more. Just for good measure.

* (Fun fact: when you start typing Ryan Seacrest's name into google and that helpful little suggestion list pops up the second thing on that list is 'Ryan Seacrest mormon'. Cute. I'm sure Brandon Flowers is working on it).