Tuesday, January 18, 2011


There is nothing worse than when Brandon has a late night soccer game. He's out scoring goals while I'm up dreamily looking at houses and snacking on too many oreos way past bedtime. Brandon likes to point out that I could just go to bed, but it's hard to sleep without him. He argues that I've never really tried. I argue that I do try... just not very hard.

Since Brandon isn't home yet and I am now out of oreos I figure I had better blog. Since I am yet again trying to blog more often.....

It's officially 2011.

No major plans yet for the year but I'm loving the possibilities and honestly I am glad to say goodbye to 2010. It was a roller coaster.

So far this year:
We're back in school. ugh.
Brandon & I won an ipod nano at his company's work party.
Miracles are happening.
we're still looking at houses (With our lovely and most talented realtor, Ledah Andrew!)
I helped throw a baby shower for Ledah (so excited for you!)
We have a new, beautiful niece. Litte Ms. Victoria Bradshaw. Yay!
We're still playing indoor soccer (& loving it!)
We still have the best families two people could ask for!
We've already hung out with the infamous Nick & Mariah Barker.
All in all, we're off to a pretty fantastic start!

Hope your start has been just as wonderful!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Wise words from a wise woman...

"There are only two kinds of fair. Bus fare and the State Fair, the rest is just a boobie prize. Make lemonade, eh?"

- Cambriah Heaton

Thanks for my new favorite quote, Cam.

Lately, I have been amazed at the strong lemonade makers around me. On days where I all I want to do is cry and over indulge on chocolate because my life is less than perfect I am constantly being humbled by the great examples in my life. Examples of strength, patience, kindness and faith. Examples who smile despite life's challenges, who realize the beauty in all that they've been given...

& are beautiful themselves.

So thankful for these amazing women.