Sunday, December 18, 2011

December so far...

Made a Free Family Edition Guess Who Game for Bryan & Kathleen's family (still kind of a work in progress). Thank you, Pinterest.

Watched the nativity story reenacted my my adorable nieces and nephews. A yearly tradition that I always look forward to.

Became a vegan.... for a week.

Had a wonderful time at the DKO (Dewsnup, King & Olsen) Christmas party. Delicious food, great company (love my boss and co-workers) and I walked away with a $50 American Express Card. Brandon got a digital picture frame and best of all we figured out exactly what to get Gary (Brandon's dad) for Christmas- which is no easy task.

Saw the Christmas Carol with the Free clan at Hale Center Theater.

Had a terrific time at the Roger's Christmas party, playing kazoo's and searching for almonds in rice pudding.

Gas prices dropped below $3.00. Always a reason to celebrate.

Bought a real Christmas tree.

Went downtown with my beautiful Young Women to see the Christmas lights.

Plus, games, dinners and fun with friends.

It's definitely been a very merry season so far.

Still to come?

The return of my brother from another mother! My cousin "Bud" returns home from his mission on Tuesday. So excited.

Cat sitting.
Even more Christmas partying.
Much needed paid time off.
& time with family.
Can't wait.

Happy Christmas!

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