Thursday, April 2, 2009

Snow what are you looking at?!?!

I was going to entitle this blog entry, "Ode to Snowball", however I made Brandon search and search for a picture of Snowball and when he finally found one and sent it to me over MSN the picture was saved as "Snow what are you looking at" and once you see the picture i'm sure you'll understand why that just had to be the title!


Ta da! it's Snowball!*

Don't you just wanna pinch his feriociously cuddly cheeks?!?!

Anyways, I never met snowball but I have heard countless stories of his charm. But I'm going to let Brandon do the honors of telling you all Snowball stories since he was actually there to witness them. However, getting Brandon to write a blog might take some convincing, how about a little reader support?! Anyone who wants to read a blog by Brandon leave an encouraging comment! (*I think he's a bit blog shy, he feels like he's really lost his touch since his livejournal days.*)

But let's get to the real reason I'm mentioning snowball. I've wanted a cat or dog ever since we've gotten married practically. & Brandon has been a little bit reluctant about the idea until last night...

Brandon: I really miss Snowball.

Kyra: Oh babe, I'm sorry.

Brandon: It's Ok, I just don't think I've ever missed him this way before.

Kyra: aww, how long have you been feeling this way?

Brandon: Well... Since right now.

Kyra: Hahaha

Brandon: I miss the way he stretches and sleeps............

I told him I am good at stretching and sleeping, he said it just wasn't the same.

Maybe we'll be getting a little Snowball Jr. sooner than I thought! :)

* to learn more about snowball to hold you over till Brandon blogs (which could be a long wait) please visit & go to the very first entry ever posted. This is my bro- in- law Tyler's blog & really doesn't have a whole lot to do with snowball. But how many cats do you know who have blogs named after them?! :)

1 comment:

  1. I would love to hear a blog from Brandon--let's hear it brandon!
